The Board of Trustees of Abramson Senior Care record with
sorrow the passing of their esteemed colleague and friend
Elaine S. Leibowitz
whose commitment to Jewish causes and philanthropy
benefited the seniors served by Abramson Senior Care,
and who served as an example to the entire community.
C ommunity / deaths
Frank Machles on January 2, 2021. Beloved
husband of the late Patricia (nee Ackerman);
Loving father of Stephanie Chappelle and the
late Gillian Fringer; Dear Brother of Martin
Machles and Arnold (Lois) Machles; Devoted
grandfather of Lewis, Shawn, Samantha,
Shelby and Patrick. Also survived by 2 great-
grandchildren. Services and interment were
private. Contributions in his memory may be
made to Associated Services for the Blind
and Visually Impaired, C/O Jewish Federa-
tion of Greater Phila., 2100 Arch St., Phila.,
PA 19103.
RAPHAEL-SACKS www.goldsteinsfuneral.com
MORROW Elaine joined the board of Abramson Senior Care in 2011.
She gave generously to Abramson Senior Care through both
the Annual Fund and the annual fundraising Gala, and was a
lifetime member of the Auxiliary. Her support has helped to
ensure that seniors throughout the Philadelphia region will
continue to get the care and support they need.
A very giving and caring person who always wanted to help
people and make their lives better, Elaine was involved with
the Philadelphia Chapter of Hadassah and Israel Bonds.
She had a zest for living which she wanted to share with
everyone and was a wonderful friend to all those in her life.
Abramson Senior Care and our entire Jewish community
were truly fortunate to have been the beneficiary of her
time, leadership, and enduring tzedakah.
Elaine was the wife of the late Barton (Buddy) Leibowitz z”l,
of blessed memory, a former board trustee.
To her children Harriet Cramer and past board trustee
Stephen R. (Katherine) Leibowitz; grandchildren; great-
grandchildren; and all who mourn her passing, the Board of
Trustees of Abramson Senior Care offer this expression of
profound sympathy. May they find solace in the knowledge
that her dedication, generosity and good works will serve as
a living tribute to her and will benefit future generations.
Lorraine Drobny
Board Chair
Carol A. Irvine
President and CEO
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JANUARY 14, 2021
Bernard Morrow of Wynnewood, PA, passed
away on January 7, 2021. Loving husband of
the late Jeanette Morrow (nee Edelstein).
Father of Randi Morrow, Dr Todd Morrow &
Dr Richard Morrow and four grandchildren.
Son of the late Nessie Morrow. He was Past
President of William Penn Lodge, B’nai Brith,
& Mason Equity Lodge, a retired Sales Man-
ager of Sears, and volunteered at Lankenau
Hospital. Graveside Services Roosevelt
Cemetery. Contributions in his memory may
be made to American Heart Association,
RAPHAEL-SACKS www.goldsteinsfuneral.com
NEIMAN Myrna Neiman, 80, of Jenkintown, PA died
December 26, 2020. She was the beloved
wife of Norman Neiman, loving mother of
Sharon (Michael) Neiman-Hackett and An-
drea (Harry) Neiman-Dent, adored grand-
mother of Rowen Hackett, Trae Dent and the
late Ashley Dent and the dear sister of Julie
Shafritz and the late Carey Mandell.
Graveside services were held at Shalom Me-
morial Park. Contributions in her memory
can be made to the Ashley Nicole Dent Me-
morial Fund, 747 Hammocks Way, Edisto Is-
land, SC 29438 or the Michael J. Fox Founda-
tion for Parkinson’s Research, www.michaelj-
SAUL Albert Saul, 72, passed away on January 2,
2021, in Philadelphia. A graduate of Drexel
University (Mechanical Engineering), Temple
University School of Medicine, and residency
and fellowship at Einstein Hospital, Al worked
as a Cardiologist first in South Philly and then
in the medical offices at Jefferson Hospital,
Torresdale. His claim to fame was treating
Stevie Nicks after she fell off the stage at a
concert. He was a private pilot and loved air-
planes and could often be found pouring over
a WWII model. Beloved husband of 49 years
of Linda (nee Marinoff), loving father of Marla
Figlin (Ross) and David Saul (Anna), and
hero to his grandchildren Noah Saul, Shiloh
Saul, and Madison Figlin. Private graveside
services were held at Shalom Memorial Park.
Contributions in his memory may be made to
Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Americ-
an Cancer Society (ACS) or Philadelphia An-
imal Welfare Society (PAWS).
RAPHAEL-SACKS www.goldsteinsfuneral.com
David Shapiro passed in the evening of
Sunday December 13, 2020 in Fairfax CA at
the age of 83. He went peacefully, with grace,
in his home. He is survived by his longtime
companions and step family of 50 years; Bar-
bara Engerth, Edward Engerth, Eric Engert
and brother Raymond Shapiro and his wife
Judie. David was born in 1937 in Phil-
adelphia to Alexander and Sadie Shapiro and
grew up attending Overbrook High school.
David was a starting forward on one of the
best high school basketball teams of all time
which, in the 1950’s, featured Wilt Chamber-
lin and Vince Miller and faced other promin-
ent players of that era. After high school Dav-
id engaged in dental product sales. Then, in
Bucks County PA. he worked for Ronald Katz
in building material sales. David went on to
be a successful business owner in the Kens-
ington, Delaware Avenue waterfront area of
Philadelphia as well as South Philadelphia on
Oregon Avenue and Front Street. At those
locations he joined forces with Ronald Kaleck
and then opened his own stores under the
“Builders Salvage” name. He closed out a
successful business career in the Phil-
adelphia area as the owner of “Big Dave’s
Building Materials”. The bustling stores had
customers parked deep into Delaware aven-
ue. His father Al, came out of retirement to
be a force in customer sales. His nephews
Joel and Todd Shapiro and relation Eric En-
gert spent multiple summers in their first
jobs, gaining an education from David in the
subtle nuances of negotiating business deals
that they still put in practice in their profes-
sional careers today. Big Dave was a talented
negotiator and salesman and was a physical
presence in those stores carrying more
sheets of plywood and sheetrock in one go
than anyone else in the warehouse could
manage. In 1992 he moved to California
north of San Francisco in Marin County, Fair-
fax California. He continued to work on ma-
jor accounts in the East Coast for many years
traveling between CA, PA and NJ. He also
manufactured doors and windows with
Bobby Horning in PA for 20 years and
worked as sales representative in San Fran-
cisco at “Goodman Lumber Company”. Dur-
ing his 30s he started a 50 year loving rela-
tionship with Barbara Engerth and became a
stepfather to Edward and Eric in the
1970s.He was always gracious and generous
with those who knew him, with acts of kind-
ness such as lending his GMC Jimmy SUV to
Eric and 2 friends to do a 3 month cross
country camping trip in 1981. From 1992
through 2020 he lived in Fairfax California
with Barbara primarily to be available as a
grandfather to Maxwell and Ela Rae Engert.
Barbara and Dave’s house was near the
schools and would be a welcome retreat a
few times a week for the grandkids and their
friends. He will remain one with the world in
Marin California where you can visit with him
at a location in the nearby environs to Mt
Tamalpais State Park. David was as gregari-
ous and generous a person as anyone would
ever meet and will be remembered fondly by
everyone who got to know him over the
years. SHUBERT
Jeffrey M. Shubert, December 31, of San
Francisco CA formally of Philadelphia. Hus-
band of Tsuya, father of Spencer and Dustin,
brother of Steven M. and Susan Shubert.
Survived by nieces, nephews, cousins and
Fraternity Brothers from Sigma Alpha Ro and
the Equity Lodge of the Masons. Services will
be private. Contributions in memory of Jef-
frey Shubert may be made to the University
of California, San Francisco supporting neur-
oendocrine research. To make a gift, visit
makeagift.ucsf.edu, or send a check dona-
tion payable to “UCSF Foundation” to UCSF
Foundation, PO Box 45339, San Francisco,
CA 94145.
CALL 215.832.0749
SILVERMAN Florence Silverman (nee Kester), age 93,
January 2, 2021. Beloved wife of the late
Samuel (Sammy) Silverman. Devoted moth-
er to Ricky (Miriam) Silverman, Randi (Bob)
Robinowitz, the late Alan "Pee Wee" Silver-
man, Carla Silverman and Robert Silverman.
Loving grandmother of Andrew (Sara) Silver-
man, Alaina (Sam) Spiegel, Erica Silverman,
Brian and Jeffrey Robinowtiz. Great grand-
mother to Charlie and Emma Silverman and
Mila and Jack Spiegel. Twin sister of Marilyn
(Len) Malkiel. Contributions may be made to
the City of Hope Medical Center or the char-
ity of your choice.
RAPHAEL-SACKS www.goldsteinsfuneral.com
SMITH David Smith on January 1, 2021. Beloved
husband of the late Gertrude (nee Goldstein);
Loving father of Jeffrey Smith, Barry (Ruth)
Smith and the late Howard (Jeanne Kolodner)
Smith; Devoted grandfather of Aaron and Eli-
ana. After retiring from mechanical engineer-
ing, he volunteered at the Franklin Institute
for over a decade. Services and interment
were private. Contributions in his memory
may be made to Bucks Co. SPCA,www.bc-
spca.org or to National Parkinson Founda-
tion, www.parkinson.org or to Magen David
Adom Israel’s National EMS, www.mdais.org.
RAPHAEL-SACKS www.goldsteinsfuneral.com
SPIVAK Karl L. Spivak, known affectionately by
friends and family as “Bud” died on Decem-
ber 12, 2020. Adored by wife Ann (Haines),
daughter Stacy, son Noah (Robin Shuler) and
grandsons Jaryd and Adam. Karl, the son of J
Henry Spivak and Miriam Fingles grew up in
West Philly, attended Drexel University
graduating as a Mechanical Engineer and
then received his law degree from Temple
University after which he practiced Patent
Law. His education was paused by WWII
while he spent several years as a machine
gunner in the Army stationed in France and
Germany. In 2001 they moved to Carefree,
Arizona. He was married to Ann for 65 years
during which time they had a wonderful life
and travelled the world. It just won’t be the
same without him!
To place a Memorial Ad
call 215.832.0749
C ommunity / deaths
VICTOR Saul Victor died after a life well lived but fell
victim to the ravages and complications of
Covid 19 on Tuesday, December 29, 2020.
Saul was truly loved by all who knew him
from his long time friends to the people he
would meet casually, from his peers to the
younger generation of guys and girls who
considered him to be the coolest, but most
especially he was a "brother" to his lifetime
pals. Saul was most precious and loved by
his family whether by blood or extension of
his blended family, new in-laws, nieces,
nephews, babies and girlfriends/boyfriends,
grandchildren. He was their hero, their ment-
or, their friend. There is a hole in our hearts
for this man, Saul, who is survived by his
wife, "the love of his life", Beverly (nee
Rubin), his children Howard (Melissa) Victor,
Wendy (Dean) Siegel, Ashley (Todd), Jason
(Sarah) Siegel, and David (Michele) Siegel.
Adored Pop Pop to Chad, Mara, Jennifer,
Adam, Joshua, Noah, Sydney, Taylor,
Stephanie, Joseph (Joey), Ryder and Bobby.
He was beloved by a huge family of nieces
and nephews, and great nieces and nephews
who considered him their father/patriarch al-
ways there to give support, love and generos-
ity. Saul was born October 22, 1938 to Rose
and Morris Victor in Wilmington, Delaware
and spent his younger years living in Atlantic
City, New Jersey with his siblings Jerry (de-
ceased), Adele and Mitchell before eventually
settling in Philadelphia, PA. In his teen years,
he and his brother were given a trumpet by
their Uncle Oscar which began their love of
music. He married his high school sweet-
heart Sybil and after years of working as a
paperhanger, entrepreneur, and owner of
Pearlstein's Furniture, he realized his dream
to become a singer and forming his own
band, and was he "a hit". Music was in his
blood and his signature was My Way (Frank
Sinatra) and Sweet Caroline (Neil Diamond).
Saul lived a life of constant celebrations
whether it was family events (and there were
many), Saturday night dinners and a movie,
traveling extensively, but his real passion was
his love of golf and all he met on the course.
He will be truly missed and may his memory
be a blessing. Contributions in his memory
may be made to the Temple University
School of Music, Boyer College Annual Fund
(giving@temple.edu) or a charity of your
RAPHAEL-SACKS www.goldsteinsfuneral.com
WEINER Norton Weiner, an insurance agent, on Janu-
ary 1, 2021. Husband of the late Luisa and
the late Louise. Father of Glenn (Sandy)
Weiner and Bart (Nadine) Weiner; Grandfath-
er of Melissa (Tyler) Hart, Josh (Candice)
Weiner and Jacob Weiner; Great-grandfather
of London, Ruby and Hannah. Funeral Ser-
vices are private. Contributions in his
memory may be made to St. John’s Hospice,
1221 Race St., Phila. PA 19107.
RAPHAEL-SACKS www.goldsteinsfuneral.com
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JANUARY 14, 2021